The Queen’s Green Canopy ( QGC) is proud to have announced the UK – wide network of over 300 inspiring organisations who will receive trees from the QGC “Tree of Trees” .
The Lord Lieutenant of Lanarkshire , Lady Haughey CBE will shortly present special trees to the following, in recognition of all their valuable and tireless work they have undertaken for the benefit of their communities :
- Sylvia Russell – Chair of Lanark Community Development Trust .
- Bothwell Horticultural Society
- Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire (VANL)
Each of the above will receive a special tree in The Queen’s name gifted in a pot embossed with Her Majesty’s cypher . Each tree will become part of the living legacy in honour of Her Majesty , joining over a milion trees already planted across the UK as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy .
It has recently been confirmed by His Majesty the King that the QGC initiative has been extended to the end of March 2023 to give people the opportunity to plant trees in memoriam to honour Her Majesty .
Earlier this year, here in Lanarkshire, more than 2000 trees were planted over three acres at Dechmont, Cambuslang to create the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Wood. The wood will be one of Lanarkshire’s enduring legacies to honour the Queen’s 70-year reign.
As part of the QGC tree planting initiative, any community group which does not have access to suitable local land to plant a tree ,can have one planted free of charge at Dechmont for them. Any Lanarkshire organisation wishing a tree designated in their name at the Jubilee Wood should email the Lieutenancy Office at .
Further information on the QGC is also available from .