To make Betty Neil’s 100th birthday even more special not one but four pipers helped her get the celebrations underway.

Betty was so surprised when members of the East Kilbride Pipe Band showed up to entertain her and all the caring staff and fellow residents at Whitehills Care Home this week.

Betty was also joined by South Lanarkshire Provost Margaret Cooper who gave her flowers and a certificate on behalf of the council.

And Deputy Lieutenant for Lanarkshire Alison Plummer DL  presented Betty with a certificate from The King and The Queen Consort to mark her reaching 100.

Betty Neil with Provost Margaret Cooper and Deputy Lieutenant Alison Plummer

Betty was born on 17 July 1924 and grew up with her parents William and Agnes in Vulcan Street, Glasgow. She also had a twin sister Ella, two other sisters and four brothers.

She went to Hyde Park school then left and went to work as a machinist at local firm D&H where she met her husband Tommy.

The couple couldn’t have children but Tommy always said he married Betty because he wanted to be with her, not to have a family.

And when asked what was Betty’s secret to reaching 100 she said “having a good husband who was full of fun”.

Tommy was in the Navy and worked as a marine engineer. When he was transferred to Bedford in England with his job, Betty soon followed and they stayed there for more than 30 years.

When Tommy suddenly passed away Betty stayed there for a while but moved back up to East Kilbride to stay with her brother and sister-in-law in the Village.

Betty enjoyed going to church and was involved in the church Guilds.

In 2021 Betty moved to Whitehills Care Home, a place she says she really enjoys staying in.

Betty Neil with two members of staff from Whitehills Care Home, Provost Margaret Cooper and Deputy Lieutenant Alison Plummer

Betty enjoys her visits from her niece Liz and husband John and her friends come to visit her as well.

If you would like the Provost to attend a Diamond Wedding or 100th birthday please get in touch with the Provost’s Office

Posted by Gavin Whitefield in Birthday Greetings, News


A sweet gesture had a long-lasting after-effect: a long and happy marriage.

William and Alva Haig met at their church, Crosshill Victoria, in Glasgow’s South Side, when he offered her a sweetie. Shortly after, Alva was in the Pantheon Club’s production of Brigadoon and invited William to the after-show party… and the rest was history. Continue reading →

Posted by Gavin Whitefield in News


A special  lunch was provided for members of Calderglen High School Befriending Group on Wednesday 19th June 2024 . Lanarkshire Lieutenancy was represented by Deputy Lieutenant Dr Morrison Young  DL.
The group has been serving the local community for the past 15 years with local resident Avril Anderson the key driving force of the group. Sixth year pupils use part of their non teaching time to visit and support local residents- a service greatly appreciated by the community and the pupils. In addition pupils also support the local church food bank by serving as helpers.
The Head Teacher Mrs White thanked those who had attended and rightly complimented the pupils and staff for their input throughout the year as well as during the lunch.
Dr Young commented “This is a fantastic initiative and one making a real difference to the lives of many local residents. I was made extremely welcome and thoroughly enjoyed learning about the project. We enjoyed an excellent lunch produced by pupils and staff of Calderglen High.”

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Posted by Gavin Whitefield in News


 Deputy  Lieutenant David Russell DL  joined the Provost of South Lanarkshire Council  , Councillor Margaret Cooper, to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Strathaven Miniature Railway and the 50th of the Strathaven Model Society on Saturday 22nd June 2024 .
It was also a  charity day with all monies being donated to the Kilbride Hospice in East Kilbride, the nominated charity of the  Provost and local councillor  Margaret Cooper.
Just over £600 was raised on the day and will be presented to the Hospice  later this year.
A big thank you to the  volunteers who operated the railway on the day and collected this fantastic amount .

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Posted by Gavin Whitefield in News


The Lanarkshire Lieutenancy was delighted to be represented at the 50th Anniversary of the re-introduction of  the  Landemer Day celebrations  in Rutherglen on Saturday 8th June 2024.

Deputy Lieutenant Mary Hernon MBE DL attended along with the Provost of South Lanarkshire Council , Councillor Margaret Cooper  at what was a very successful , enjoyable and well attended event .

Posted by Gavin Whitefield in News